Saturday, September 8, 2007

The bugs of Summer

oh yea
It is Summer and aside from the buglife
it ain't too bad really.
My summer was going pretty darn good until a Yellow jacket[ something like a bee] but a bit skinny and a bit more human hater...
well as i was sayin..
this yellow jacket decided to sting the inside of my poor defensless ear.
yes it did smart some ouch!!
I have had some nasty dizziness and headaches and insomnia thank you Yellow jacket..i bet it ran home to brag about the ear it stung...
I can only take so much pain ya know/
And for being a mini critter it sure knows how to cause major pain lol...
then ya got the high humidity on top of a ear sting..
my Summer is just so much fun!
Going great!
I wonder what critter will attack me next/
I have been scared for life my misquitoes who have made a meal out of me everytime i walked outside this Summer
i know it is part of life but whose/ The misquitoes/
My legs [ since i wore shorts outside most of the time]
look like a darn canvas for some kind of alien from space..
I mean no way does it look good.
ok so until next time
I hope i do not get ripped up by any more skeeters...
bye all...
this is life?